
Rowald alias Administrator
Fotograf - semi-professional photographer

Foto #1151

Street Car Showoff

Streetcar Showoff Honolulu Aug 2005

Yeah, three days in Honolulu. The first morning, I found www.modelgraphy.com to be down. I had a lot of trouble with my server provider, which caused www.modelgraphy.com to be down for three days. (Don't select Gazzin as your provider!!!) I sent many emails and it stressed me out. Well, the show was nice still and I took many many photos. Sadly, I didn't get to all I wanted to speak with and I should have taken more photos from some of the models. Well, see for yourself now.


Event: Street Car Showoff 2005-08
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Hochgeladen: 17 Mar 2011

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